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  -d engine="google_finance" \
  -d q="BTC-USD" \
  -d hl="en"

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    "title": "Bitcoin (BTC / USD)",
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      "price": 66942.1,
      "date": "Mar 25 2024, 01:20 PM UTC"
  "knowledge_graph": {
    "tags": [
        "title": "Exchange Rate",
        "description": "Value of the base currency compared to the quote currency"
        "title": "Cryptocurrency",
        "description": "A digital asset maintained by a decentralized system that records and verifies transactions using cryptography"
    "stats": [
        "label": "Previous close",
        "description": "The last closing price",
        "value": "67,204.90"
    "about": {
      "currencies": [
          "title": "Bitcoin",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "description": "Bitcoin is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Nodes in the peer-to-peer bitcoin network verify transactions through cryptography and record them in a public distributed ledger, called a blockchain, without central oversight. Consensus between nodes is achieved using a computationally intensive process based on proof of work, called mining, that requires increasing quantities of electricity and guarantees the security of the bitcoin blockchain.\nBased on a free market ideology, bitcoin was invented in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, an unknown person. Use of bitcoin as a currency began in 2009, with the release of its open-source implementation. In 2021, El Salvador adopted it as legal tender. Bitcoin is currently used more as a store of value and less as a medium of exchange or unit of account. It is mostly seen as an investment and has been described by many scholars as an economic bubble. As bitcoin is pseudonymous, its use by criminals has attracted the attention of regulators, leading to its ban by several countries as of 2021.",
          "wikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin"
          "title": "United States Dollar",
          "currency": "USD",
          "description": "The United States dollar is the official currency of the United States and several other countries. The Coinage Act of 1792 introduced the U.S. dollar at par with the Spanish silver dollar, divided it into 100 cents, and authorized the minting of coins denominated in dollars and cents. U.S. banknotes are issued in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, popularly called greenbacks due to their predominantly green color.\nThe monetary policy of the United States is conducted by the Federal Reserve System, which acts as the nation's central bank.\nThe U.S. dollar was originally defined under a bimetallic standard of 371.25 grains fine silver or, from 1837, 23.22 grains fine gold, or $20.67 per troy ounce. The Gold Standard Act of 1900 linked the dollar solely to gold. From 1934, its equivalence to gold was revised to $35 per troy ounce. Since 1971, all links to gold have been repealed.\nThe U.S. dollar became an important international reserve currency after the First World War, and displaced the pound sterling as the world's primary reserve currency by the Bretton Woods Agreement towards the end of the Second World War.",
          "wikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar"
  "news": [
      "title": "Top news",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "Nobody Wants to Sell BTC, Analyst Says as Bitcoin's On-Chain Activity Limps",
          "link": "https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/03/25/nobody-wants-to-sell-btc-analyst-says-as-bitcoins-on-chain-activity-limps/",
          "source": "CoinDesk",
          "date": "5 hours ago",
          "thumbnail": "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbsY0U1Z4J7FU7shp4DyQ-l5btBC3iy4QmNjwYq7mhc8XjYokQgL9KfK08v84"
          "snippet": "New Bitcoin Whales Emerge in the Corporate World",
          "link": "https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-whales-emerge-corporate-world-170000225.html",
          "source": "Yahoo Finance",
          "date": "1 day ago",
          "thumbnail": "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5HAf3Ctq2878dDFkJ4npY3zhgNH0ualrnsE9mgCpFgq48OR_rfzVlaqEkpfs"
      "title": "News about Grayscale, GBTC, and Bitcoin",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "GBTC outflows meet 'incredible demand' ― 5 things to know in Bitcoin this week",
          "link": "https://cointelegraph.com/news/gbtc-outflows-incredible-demand-5-things-bitcoin-this-week",
          "source": "Cointelegraph",
          "date": "4 hours ago"
          "snippet": "Bitcoin Slips to $64K as Large Grayscale GBTC Outflows Continue",
          "link": "https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/03/22/bitcoin-slips-to-64k-as-large-grayscale-gbtc-outflows-continue/",
          "source": "CoinDesk",
          "date": "2 days ago"
          "snippet": "Options Show Bitcoin Traders Are Preparing for a Deeper Slump",
          "link": "https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-22/options-show-bitcoin-traders-are-preparing-for-a-deeper-slump",
          "source": "Bloomberg.com",
          "date": "2 days ago"
      "title": "News about Price",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "Bernstein raises new bitcoin price all-time high prediction for 2024",
          "link": "https://www.thestreet.com/crypto/markets/bernstein-raises-90000-bitcoin-price-all-time-high-prediction-for-2024",
          "source": "TheStreet",
          "date": "2 days ago"
          "snippet": "JPMorgan: Bitcoin Still Overbought Despite Price Drop – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News",
          "link": "https://news.bitcoin.com/jpmorgan-bitcoin-still-overbought-despite-price-drop/",
          "source": "Bitcoin.com News",
          "date": "13 hours ago"
          "snippet": "Record $2.3 Billion in Bitcoin Moved Within 24 Hours, Half Bought on Coinbase",
          "link": "https://www.tradingview.com/news/u_today:5b1f1ab0d094b:0-record-2-3-billion-in-bitcoin-moved-within-24-hours-half-bought-on-coinbase/",
          "source": "www.tradingview.com",
          "date": "1 day ago"
      "title": "Anthony Scaramucci on bitcoin volatility",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "Bitcoin's next step is accessibility for all: Scaramucci",
          "link": "https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bitcoins-next-step-accessibility-scaramucci-195531902.html",
          "source": "Yahoo Finance",
          "date": "2 days ago"
          "snippet": "Skybridge Capital Founder Advises 'Act Like You're Dead With Your Bitcoin and Don't Sell' – Markets and Prices Bitcoin ...",
          "link": "https://news.bitcoin.com/skybridge-capital-founder-advises-act-like-youre-dead-with-your-bitcoin-and-dont-sell/",
          "source": "Bitcoin.com News",
          "date": "11 hours ago"
          "snippet": "Bitcoin investing advice: Act like you're dead, Scaramucci says",
          "link": "https://www.businessinsider.com/bitcoin-price-investing-advice-cryptocurrency-scaramucci-markets-wall-street-finance-2024-3",
          "source": "Business Insider",
          "date": "2 days ago"
      "title": "UK woman found guilty of laundering Bitcoin",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "UK Court Convicts Woman Found With More Than $4.3 Billion in BTC – Bitcoin News",
          "link": "https://news.bitcoin.com/uk-court-convicts-woman-found-with-more-than-4-3-billion-in-btc/",
          "source": "Bitcoin.com News",
          "date": "2 days ago"
          "snippet": "Hospitality worker caught with $2.5B Bitcoin found guilty of money laundering",
          "link": "https://cointelegraph.com/news/hospitality-worker-bitcoin-seizure-southwark-crown-court",
          "source": "Cointelegraph",
          "date": "1 day ago"
          "snippet": "UK Woman Found Guilty of Laundering Bitcoin Tied to $6 Billion China Fraud",
          "link": "https://cryptopotato.com/uk-woman-found-guilty-of-laundering-bitcoin-tied-to-6-billion-china-fraud/",
          "source": "CryptoPotato",
          "date": "15 hours ago"
      "title": "Bitcoin halving event explained",
      "articles": [
          "snippet": "The Bitcoin Halving Really Is Different This Time",
          "link": "https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/03/19/the-bitcoin-halving-really-is-different-this-time/",
          "source": "CoinDesk",
          "date": "5 days ago"
          "snippet": "Miners plan move to lower-cost countries as bitcoin halving approaches",
          "link": "https://www.scmp.com/tech/blockchain/article/3256562/bitcoin-halving-april-cut-mining-reward-driving-exodus-old-us-equipment-countries-cheap-electricity",
          "source": "South China Morning Post",
          "date": "10 hours ago"
          "snippet": "Bitcoin 'Halving' Spurs Exodus of Old US Mining Computers Abroad",
          "link": "https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-23/bitcoin-halving-spurs-exodus-of-old-us-mining-computers-abroad",
          "source": "Bloomberg.com",
          "date": "1 day ago"
  "markets": {
    "futures": [
        "stock": "YMW00",
        "exchange": "CBOT",
        "company": "E-mini Dow ($5)",
        "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/YMW00:CBOT",
        "name": "Dow Futures",
        "price": 39818,
        "price_change": {
          "percentage": -0.12541386,
          "amount": -50,
          "movement": "Down"
        "stock": "ESW00",
        "exchange": "CME_EMINIS",
        "company": "E-mini S&P 500",
        "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/ESW00:CME_EMINIS",
        "name": "S&P Futures",
        "price": 5278,
        "price_change": {
          "percentage": -0.28810278,
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      "date": "Mar 25, 01:23:23 PM UTC+00:00"
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      "items": [
          "stock": ".DJI:INDEXDJX",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.DJI:INDEXDJX",
          "name": "Dow Jones Industrial Average",
          "price": 39475.9
          "stock": ".INX:INDEXSP",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.INX:INDEXSP",
          "name": "S&P 500",
          "price": 5234.18
          "stock": "TSLA:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TSLA:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Tesla Inc",
          "price": 170.83
          "stock": "AAPL:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/AAPL:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Apple Inc",
          "price": 172.28
          "stock": "BABA:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BABA:NYSE",
          "name": "Alibaba Group Holding Ltd - ADR",
          "price": 72.13
          "stock": "AMZN:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/AMZN:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Amazon.com Inc",
          "price": 178.87
          "stock": "VIX:INDEXCBOE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/VIX:INDEXCBOE",
          "name": "VIX",
          "price": 13.51,
          "price_change": {
            "percentage": 3.45,
            "movement": "Up"
          "stock": "NXST:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/NXST:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Nexstar Media Group Inc",
          "price": 164.76
          "stock": "SPY:NYSEARCA",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/SPY:NYSEARCA",
          "name": "SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust",
          "price": 521.21
          "stock": "MSFT:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/MSFT:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Microsoft Corp",
          "price": 428.74
          "stock": "F:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/F:NYSE",
          "name": "Ford Motor Co",
          "price": 12.91
          "stock": ".IXIC:INDEXNASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.IXIC:INDEXNASDAQ",
          "name": "Nasdaq Composite",
          "price": 16428.82,
          "price_change": {
            "percentage": 0.16,
            "movement": "Up"
          "stock": "DIS:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DIS:NYSE",
          "name": "Walt Disney Co",
          "price": 115.87
          "stock": "NFLX:NASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/NFLX:NASDAQ",
          "name": "Netflix Inc",
          "price": 628.01
          "stock": "PFE:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/PFE:NYSE",
          "name": "Pfizer Inc",
          "price": 27.36
          "stock": "T:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/T:NYSE",
          "name": "AT&T Inc",
          "price": 16.98
          "stock": "NDX:INDEXNASDAQ",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/NDX:INDEXNASDAQ",
          "name": "Nasdaq-100",
          "price": 18339.44,
          "price_change": {
            "percentage": 0.1,
            "movement": "Up"
          "stock": "BA:NYSE",
          "link": "https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BA:NYSE",
          "name": "Boeing Co",
          "price": 188.85

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url = "https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/search"
params = {
  "engine": "google_finance",
  "q": "BTC-USD",
  "hl": "en"

response = requests.get(url, params=params)

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What data can I access with the Google Finance API?

The Google Finance API provides access to real-time stock prices, currency exchange rates, market indices, financial news, company profiles, economic indicators, historical data, and financial ratios.

How current is the financial data from Google Finance?

The financial data provided by Google Finance is highly up-to-date, with real-time updates for stock prices, market indices, and currency exchange rates. Specific delays apply to certain exchanges and financial products, ensuring users receive the most current information for informed decision-making.

Can I access historical financial data on Google Finance?

Yes, Google Finance provides access to historical data for stocks, mutual funds, and market indices. This data can be valuable for trend analysis, investment research, and historical performance review.

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