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Google Flights API

Search Google Flights across 180+ countries, get prices and booking options.
  • Only pay for successful searches
  • Real-time flight information
  • 99.9% success rate
No credit card required.
          curl --get https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/search \
  -d engine="google_flights" \
  -d departure_id="JFK" \
  -d arrival_id="BER" \
  -d outbound_date="2025-03-13" \
  -d return_date="2025-03-20"

Extensive flights results

Get JSON results in seconds

Retrieve flight schedules, prices, carbon emissions, layovers, and more. Receive structured results in JSON format.

Extensive flights results
  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "search_x7L8KlJ0oGB6TdNlg6Y1GkOE",
    "status": "Success",
    "created_at": "2024-11-18T15:21:41Z",
    "request_time_taken": 1.9,
    "parsing_time_taken": 0.04,
    "total_time_taken": 1.94,
    "request_url": "https://www.google.com/travel/flights/search?tfs=CBwQAhoeEgoyMDI0LTExLTE5agcIARIDSkZLcgcIARIDQkVSGh4SCjIwMjQtMTEtMjZqBwgBEgNCRVJyBwgBEgNKRktAAUgBcAGCAQsI____________AZgBAQ&hl=en&gl=us&curr=USD",
    "html_url": "https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/searches/search_x7L8KlJ0oGB6TdNlg6Y1GkOE.html",
    "json_url": "https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/searches/search_x7L8KlJ0oGB6TdNlg6Y1GkOE"
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "google_flights",
    "departure_id": "JFK",
    "arrival_id": "BER",
    "currency": "USD",
    "hl": "en",
    "gl": "us",
    "outbound_date": "2024-11-19",
    "return_date": "2024-11-26",
    "flight_type": "round_trip",
    "travel_class": "economy",
    "stops": "any",
    "adults": "1",
    "children": "0",
    "infants_in_seat": "0",
    "infants_on_lap": "0"
  "best_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
            "id": "JFK",
            "date": "2024-11-19",
            "time": "17:45"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Copenhagen Airport",
            "id": "CPH",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "07:15"
          "duration": 450,
          "airplane": "Airbus A330",
          "airline": "Scandinavian Airlines",
          "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/SK.png",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "SK 916",
          "is_overnight": true,
          "extensions": [
            "Power and USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Seat type Average Legroom",
            "Legroom 31 inches",
            "Carbon emission: 578 kg"
          "detected_extensions": {
            "has_power_and_usb_outlets": true,
            "has_on_demand_video": true,
            "seat_type": "Average Legroom",
            "legroom_short": "31 in",
            "legroom_long": "31 inches",
            "carbon_emission": 578
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Copenhagen Airport",
            "id": "CPH",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "08:30"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Berlin Brandenburg Airport",
            "id": "BER",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "09:30"
          "duration": 60,
          "airplane": "Airbus A320neo",
          "airline": "Scandinavian Airlines",
          "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/SK.png",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "SK 1673",
          "extensions": [
            "In-seat USB outlet",
            "Seat type Below Average Legroom",
            "Legroom 29 inches",
            "Carbon emission: 51 kg"
          "detected_extensions": {
            "has_in_seat_usb_outlet": true,
            "seat_type": "Below Average Legroom",
            "legroom_short": "29 in",
            "legroom_long": "29 inches",
            "carbon_emission": 51
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 75,
          "name": "Copenhagen Airport",
          "id": "CPH"
      "total_duration": 585,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 630000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 524000,
        "difference_percent": 20,
        "lowest_route": 561000
      "price": 713,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "extensions": ["Bag and fare conditions depend on the return flight"],
      "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/SK.png",
      "departure_token": "WyJDalJJVFVkc1ZrSnBjV1p6WkRoQlMwTkpXWGRDUnkwdExTMHRMUzB0TFhsc1pub3hNRUZCUVVGQlIyTTNWelJaVG1sTVRHdEJFZ3hUU3preE5ueFRTekUyTnpNYUN3akpyQVFRQWhvRFZWTkVPQnh3eWF3RSIsW1siSkZLIiwiMjAyNC0xMS0xOSIsIkNQSCIsIm51bGwiLCJTSyIsIjkxNiJdLFsiQ1BIIiwiMjAyNC0xMS0yMCIsIkJFUiIsIm51bGwiLCJTSyIsIjE2NzMiXV1d"
  "other_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
            "id": "JFK",
            "date": "2024-11-19",
            "time": "22:00"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Humberto Delgado Airport",
            "id": "LIS",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "09:55"
          "duration": 415,
          "airplane": "Airbus A321neo",
          "airline": "Tap Air Portugal",
          "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/TP.png",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "TP 210",
          "is_overnight": true,
          "extensions": [
            "Power and USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Wi-Fi for fee",
            "Seat type Average Legroom",
            "Legroom 31 inches",
            "Carbon emission: 447 kg"
          "detected_extensions": {
            "has_power_and_usb_outlets": true,
            "has_on_demand_video": true,
            "wifi": "for fee",
            "seat_type": "Average Legroom",
            "legroom_short": "31 in",
            "legroom_long": "31 inches",
            "carbon_emission": 447
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Humberto Delgado Airport",
            "id": "LIS",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "11:45"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport",
            "id": "MAD",
            "date": "2024-11-20",
            "time": "14:05"
          "duration": 80,
          "airline": "Tap Air Portugal",
          "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/TP.png",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "TP 1014",
          "extensions": [
            "Seat type Below Average Legroom",
            "Legroom 28 inches",
            "Carbon emission: 59 kg"
          "detected_extensions": {
            "seat_type": "Below Average Legroom",
            "legroom_short": "28 in",
            "legroom_long": "28 inches",
            "carbon_emission": 59
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport",
            "id": "MAD",
            "date": "2024-11-21",
            "time": "07:45"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Berlin Brandenburg Airport",
            "id": "BER",
            "date": "2024-11-21",
            "time": "10:50"
          "duration": 185,
          "airline": "Iberia Express",
          "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/I2.png",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "I2 1801",
          "extensions": ["Carbon emission: 121 kg"],
          "detected_extensions": {
            "carbon_emission": 121
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 110,
          "name": "Humberto Delgado Airport",
          "id": "LIS"
          "duration": 1060,
          "name": "Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport",
          "id": "MAD",
          "is_overnight": true
      "total_duration": 1850,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 628000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 524000,
        "difference_percent": 20,
        "lowest_route": 561000
      "price": 861,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "extensions": ["Bag and fare conditions depend on the return flight"],
      "airline_logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/flights/airline_logos/70px/multi.png",
  "price_insights": {
    "lowest_price": 713,
    "price_level": "high",
    "typical_price_range": {
      "low_price": 510,
      "high_price": 660
    "price_history": [
        "price": 464,
        "iso_date": "2024-09-19T04:00:00Z"
        "price": 508,
        "iso_date": "2024-09-20T04:00:00Z"
        "price": 525,
        "iso_date": "2024-09-21T04:00:00Z"
  "airports": [
      "departure": [
        "airport": {
          "id": "JFK",
          "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport"
        "city": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "country_code": "US",
        "image": "https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRa1dwH1NZQk4dsbPiyA9Vrq2RX75jXSZ-OkHn7NkLHl-11HercqDXoZ4p2cDxJkH6vca2degawrCzHEQ",
        "thumbnail": "https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEaUa9NsdPWGpAUGkTApkZDT_4M6_6V8wTcC0v1b1wJAJX-BuMSiipXbsoznGgcI1xLOc5QiTcR_xovexgjdOz0gqQe0tRQ9h0bUkZ07Q"
      "arrival": [
        "airport": {
          "id": "BER",
          "name": "Berlin Brandenburg Airport"
        "city": "Berlin",
        "country": "Germany",
        "country_code": "DE",
        "image": "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQt2sQ7Aqn9XDqztmoYElQwE26oMklrcGD7-ZuKOUPZVDpWlL-yn0uHraRpfjA9kXtiLrBxI-YW45Rn4g",
        "thumbnail": "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWlCvQfTpTUuTsCeI1S4Yw2Y5H4T77pM--xjPOa8J2BBUf2IPwdlOWEEgXN-UK1iZEuid20zbzO_nW3qSbU4dk9KwrbnjlUxopo6ayjnY"

Developer experience

Easy integration

Integrating is as simple as making a GET HTTP request.

import requests

url = "https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/search"
params = {
  "engine": "google_flights",
  "departure_id": "JFK",
  "arrival_id": "BER",
  "outbound_date": "2025-03-13",
  "return_date": "2025-03-20"

response = requests.get(url, params=params)

Detailed Flight Information

Google Flights API Features

Access flight data including schedules, prices, and booking options directly from Google Flights.

Flight Schedules

Retrieve accurate departure and arrival times, flight durations, and layover details.

Airline Information

Get airline details such as name, logo, aircraft type, and travel class.

Pricing Data

Access real-time prices and historical price trends for flights.

Carbon Emissions

Evaluate carbon emissions for each flight and compare them to average values for the route.

Booking Details

Retrieve booking URLs, baggage policies, and pricing details for reservations.

Best Flights

Find flights based on price, duration, layovers, or other preferences.

Layover Information

Get layover duration and airport details for multi-stop flights.

Legal protection

U.S. Legal Shield

Our processes of crawling and parsing public data are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We take on the legal responsibilities associated with these methods for both domestic and international entities. This does not apply if the entities are involved in illegal activities according to U.S. federal law, including but not limited to cybercrime, terrorism, child exploitation, denial-of-service attacks, and war crimes.

Simple Pricing

Pricing plans

  • Pay per success
  • Built in location geo-targetting
  • Only premium proxies
Developer Plan

$4 per 1,000 searches

$40 / month

What's included
  • 10,000 Searches
  • 99.9% SLA
Production Plan

$3 per 1,000 searches

$100 / month

What's included
  • 35,000 Searches
  • Team Management
  • U.S. Legal Shield
  • 99.9% SLA
BigData Plan

$2.5 per 1,000 searches

$250 / month

What's included
  • 100,000 Searches
  • Team Management
  • U.S. Legal Shield
  • 99.9% SLA
  • Medium Throughput
Scale Plan

$2 per 1,000 searches

$500 / month

What's included
  • 250,000 Searches
  • Team Management
  • U.S. Legal Shield
  • 99.9% SLA
  • High Throughput
  • Search Analytics

Trusted by industry leaders

Anthropic logo Bain & Company logo DataRails logo Scale AI logo Ahrefs logo Demyst logo

Robust Infrastructure

Handle even the most demanding needs

Sub-2 second average response time


Sub-2 second average response time

Optimized for low latency, delivering rapid results for AI applications, SEO analysis, and research.

100% success rate

100% Success Rate

Guaranteed query completion

Guaranteed success with built-in auto-retry mechanism and adaptive error handling to ensure complete data collection.

Scalable proxy rotation

Proxy Management

Scalable proxy rotation

Our built-in proxy rotator and auto-retry mechanisms ensure scalability, handling millions of searches daily across a global network of 100M+ proxies.

Advanced CAPTCHA bypass

Captcha Solving

Advanced CAPTCHA bypass

Mimics real human behavior with full browser rendering, JavaScript execution, and CAPTCHA solving for uninterrupted data scraping.

Open-source integrations


Open-source integrations

Easily integrate with popular open-source tools like Dify, Flowise, LangChain, and Haystack to extend functionality with minimal setup.

Google Flights Calendar API

Explore Prices Across Dates

Retrieve structured pricing data for flights. Supports both one-way and round-trip options.

Grid Data Structure
JSON response maps dates to prices in 1D array (one-way) or 2D matrix (round-trip).
Date Range Support
Query prices across date spans up to several months.
Request Filters
Filter by stops, airlines, price, duration, layovers.

View Documentation

Google Flights Calendar API

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