Supported Countries for Google Lens API

The Google Lens API extends its capabilities to a variety of global locations. It enables the identification of images, landmarks, and products from a broad array of countries. This feature is particularly enhanced by the use of geographical data, improving the accuracy of landmark and place identification based on location.

Specifically, shopping results in Google Lens are available in Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, United Kingdom, and United States.

Developers can download the full list of supported countries in JSON format for integration and reference in their applications. This list contains a total of 154 countries, highlighting those with shopping result capabilities.

The country parameter sets location for the Google Lens API search results. Use two-letter country codes to specify the location. For example, country=us for the United States, country=gb for the United Kingdom, and country=fr for France.

Country Code Country Shopping Results
ae United Arab Emirates
af Afghanistan
ag Antigua and Barbuda
ai Anguilla
al Albania
am Armenia
ao Angola
ar Argentina
at Austria
au Australia
aw Aruba
az Azerbaijan
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
bb Barbados
bd Bangladesh
be Belgium
bg Bulgaria
bh Bahrain
bj Benin
bn Brunei Darussalam
bo Bolivia
br Brazil
bs Bahamas
bw Botswana
by Belarus
bz Belize
ca Canada
cg Congo
ch Switzerland
ci Ivory Coast
cl Chile
cm Cameroon
cn China
co Colombia
cr Costa Rica
cv Cape Verde
cy Cyprus
cz Czech Republic
de Germany
dk Denmark
do Dominican Republic
dz Algeria
ec Ecuador
ee Estonia
eg Egypt
es Spain
et Ethiopia
fi Finland
fr France
gb United Kingdom
ge Georgia
gh Ghana
gp Guadeloupe
gr Greece
gt Guatemala
gy Guyana
hk Hong Kong
hn Honduras
hr Croatia
ht Haiti
hu Hungary
id Indonesia
ie Ireland
il Israel
in India
iq Iraq
is Iceland
it Italy
jm Jamaica
jo Jordan
jp Japan
ke Kenya
kg Kyrgyzstan
kh Cambodia
kr Korea, Republic of
kw Kuwait
ky Cayman Islands
kz Kazakhstan
la Lao People's Democratic Republic
lb Lebanon
lc Saint Lucia
lk Sri Lanka
lt Lithuania
lu Luxembourg
lv Latvia
ly Libya
ma Morocco
md Moldova
me Montenegro
mg Madagascar
mk Macedonia
ml Mali
mm Myanmar
mn Mongolia
mo Macau
mq Martinique
mt Malta
mu Mauritius
mv Maldives
mx Mexico
my Malaysia
mz Mozambique
na Namibia
nc New Caledonia
ng Nigeria
ni Nicaragua
nl Netherlands
no Norway
np Nepal
nz New Zealand
om Oman
pa Panama
pe Peru
ph Philippines
pk Pakistan
pl Poland
pr Puerto Rico
ps Palestine
pt Portugal
py Paraguay
qa Qatar
re Reunion
ro Romania
rs Serbia
ru Russia
sa Saudi Arabia
sc Seychelles
sd Sudan
se Sweden
sg Singapore
si Slovenia
sk Slovakia
sn Senegal
sr Suriname
sv El Salvador
th Thailand
tn Tunisia
tr Turkey
tt Trinidad and Tobago
tw Taiwan
tz Tanzania
ua Ukraine
ug Uganda
us United States
uy Uruguay
uz Uzbekistan
vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
ve Venezuela
vn Vietnam
xk Kosovo
ye Yemen
za South Africa
zm Zambia
zw Zimbabwe